Shining Sol Lavender Candle


The calming and medicinal aspects of lavender can best be explained by the scent family it belongs to…mint! While it is native to Cape Verde and the Canary Islands – it’s known and grows worldwide. It is used for everything from garden decorating, landscaping and for harvesting for use in essential oils. Of course when it comes to Shining Sol – it’s used as an amazing aroma to relax and set a calm mood in your home and in your mind.

Candle Information:
100% eco-friendly soy wax (burns clean).
Wood wicks (clean burning).
Handcrafted in Virginia, made in the USA.

Burn Times (approx.):
Medium Candle (9 fl. oz.): 50-60 hours
Travel Tin (6.25 fl. oz.): 30-35 hours

Shining Sol Candle Company produces handmade candles in Manassas, VA.


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Product Specs

Weight: 1.5 lb
Brand: Shining Sol