Make your melodies last.

Apply varnish to redwood accents.
Our redwood accents are naturally rot-resistant. But a layer of varnish and/or stain to the chime’s wood accents can add even more beauty and longevity to your chime.

Hang chime clear of structures and other objects.
Always hang your chimes from something that can properly support its weight. Do not hang chimes too close to walls or poles, which can cause more damage to the chime during windy weather.

Remove chimes during severe weather.
Rainstorms will not damage your Wind River chimes. However, we do recommend taking down your chime and placing it away from the elements during severe wind or ice storms.

Clean with soap and water.
Chimes can be cleaned with soap and water as often as necessary. If your chimes have a highly reflective finish, they may need to be wiped down with a glass cleaner to reveal their shine and remove water spots.
Contact Wind River for repairs.
All the chimes we produce include limited manufacturer’s warranties. We also offer a non-warranty restringing program for the chimes we manufacture to restore chimes with damaged or broken strings. Please note, we do not offer restringing for chimes made by other companies. Please contact us for more information about chime warranties and repairs, or click here to download our Repair Request form.
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